It is difficult and intense complicated to remain alive throughout your first job. What individuals normally do? they gear up their performance level up to maximum level in early days of their job. But with the passage of time , their performance level and working speed used to come down. It is being commonly practice by every individual almost that they do not take notice of such kind of things. On ground reality, they should make accessment form by themselves. in which, they should make a weekly shedule to keep active throughout the week. This is lucrative way to set your personal goal. It is prime wish of everybody that he wants to grow in his career but sometime, his personal action used to take him towards wrong direction. Proffesionalism is way of thoughts and feelings that normally an individual used to feel about himself.
I have reached to 3rd week of employment ship; I am still courageous enough to continue my job with the hope of being progressed. At this moment, I have understood most the working procedure and specific behavior of people. I can not stop myself to sentence that professional people normally say unanimous words every time for practical environment; practical field is totally different to educational section. Let me ask why is it so? Before three weeks, I used to be a student as well. Now probably I am ready to realize the difference amid them. According to me. A good professional is that one, who has core capacity to hide his personal emotions and sentiments or he may separate them by drawing clear line between them. Work is work, and if you will bring emotions in work then you will be considered nobody in your organization. I am going successful throughout my employment regime; perhaps it is my internal satisfaction. I have made few concrete contacts inside the organization. It is perhaps deadly required inside for breathing. Let’s put glance on working efficiency and creativity, I have made necessary flow diagrams and cautions sheets. So, that I can curb myself to malfunction with mandatory things. Actually, I have been appointed on key post I therefore have immense need to understand the procedures and working pattern. Initially, it some time becomes harder to adjust in new culture but I am flexible enough to mold myself to adjust in any type of culture. According to me, you should have flexible facet personality, and should always remain courteous. One of my friends used to say ‘Make more friendships in organization because this thing can safeguard you from personal jealousy and criticism’
Today, I understood it completely why he used to tone in such a way. You need to focus on more friendships plus try to get attached with managers and high ranked people. This typical move can support you forever in your professional career.
Today morning 24/12/2009 started with blessing of God, I am not good enough to expect shower of blessing towards me. Let me get you into more depth of professional mentality. I was not like as which I am not at this moment. I am living in developing country where numerous people are spending their lives below the poverty line, and it is not noticeable even how worst living standards they have. On contrary, I will definitely compare myself with developed country citizen because it is not my fault to get birth in poor country and it’s not their good working that they got birth in well reputed country. I have concrete believe ‘Its people of any territory that can change or alter their fate even’ on ground reality you need to have skyscraper courage and rock breaking hardworking style. Professionals need to have deep observation capability and analytical skill so that they can judge the things in appropriate way and can quickly respond accordingly. For today, I have been assigned with tougher assignment as I have to analyze processing unit of our group. I personally examined the procedures and working practices inside the processing department. I have made good working relations with frontline labors. In my opinion, you should come to the level of other person if you want to get maximum output. Studies and practical is bit of different, because studies usually speak about illusions and idealism, which are not usually implemented most of the time. A best graduate can modify conventional working practices into modern working practices.
Sun rose of another day, this is my 3rd month working in organization. I have understood almost each and every lethal and vital operations of organization. There is big difference between course which anybody used to study in educational career and professional career. Why it is happening so, nobody has any clue regarding to this. I the person who want to bring revolution in this regard. I am victim of this particular thing. Currently, I am working in textile industry. You can not even imagine how complex it can be, if you don’t have core idea of procedures following in your organization. It is due to my untiring effort to learn things so quickly. I personally visited each department where I learn so many important things. End product of fabric is too easy to get it from market or shopping center. On other hand, people are investing their bloods, bones and full time effort to make whole world comfortable. People don’t care even to save efforts of those people. They normally throw out things which are out of trend or fashion. They don’t pay as such as generation mechanism consumes. Business people are getting advantage on the expense of lives. Industry requires good human resource advisors to look after for human resource working inside organizations.
I am coming back from our information technology department. I bamboozled to see that my privacy and confidentially is being accessed by them, and they don’t take it as a serious matter as well. Each run process, desktop items, folders, shares everything available in system they have grip on it. Let me remind you I am not working in gigantic company it is textile sector, and I am getting confuse to realize about Microsoft and Linux. It is advised you to safeguard yourself by not to save personal data in your office computer. If anybody can break this security checks kind let me know because this is totally unethical to violate employees privacy.
08/03/2010, life is cool after ending up my probation period. I am part of growing textile organization. I found ways to safeguard my ass and learned the ways to solve problems. My problem solving ability improved in such a way that I can handle complex and critical situations with great patience. I am working on new projects, and I want to practice new management tools available on different sites. It is primary responsibility of business analyst to analyze organizations needs and provide solutions suitable to them. I am loyal and satisfied with the performance of organization, and I will never move from here because in future I will be awarded a good opportunity of management scale.
10/03/2010 it is mandatory for organizations to properly handle profit pools. Organizations should not take revenues seriously because revenues can not fuel to organizational operations. Profit recognition is different set of technique rather than revenues recognition, pools of revenues is only concerned with sales, but not with operational efficiency. Modern profit recognition techniques are not enough to give snap shot of organizational performance. An organizational should be ‘FIT’, financially fit, intellectually fit, and technological fit. All these kind of steps and literature helps to individual to decide among alternatives and can become able to set right direction.
Now i am with 8 months and 13 days experience. I started to run like other lazybone horses, who runs not to get reached to destiny quickly. He just runs in order to reaching to his destiny.
8th moth
Schedule work doesn’t motivate you until unless you seem to others doing important work for the welfare of organization. I started wearing similar dresses with other colleges due to make them think that I am the one among them. I have good grip on my nature of job. Whatever is given to me, I used to do quickly. I am impatient guy with respect to work like I do not want to spend much time especially to waste on single work. People on lower level as me should ask for more work. It is better for their professional health with remarkable growth. Today, boss is on leave, and I am just doing given routine chores. Though I am hardworking kind of ordinary youngster, who becomes deep serious as of being given with workload. You can not even imagine the pleasure of enjoying boss absence in the last day of week. For youngsters, it is not that much good because they used to get indulged in lazybones behavior throughout. In my view, one should walk within other departments with purpose to interact with else colleges. Professional interaction is fundamental law for being remained active inside the rubella of organization. In bigger manufacturing units, organizational politics will embrace on each level therefore you need to be with neutral attitude otherwise you can easily become victim of politics. Offshore outsourcing bigger units are normally to be running with one man show clause. Thus, decision making in that particular organization is complicated part. Directors and other top management will definitely take decisions on the basis of your own set paradigm. Decision making is all about pattern of your taking things into your mind set. A friend came to me, and was discussing international affaires. We often do that. It is quite helpful technique to stay alive with national soul. We professional had completed education from good universities therefore it comes on our shoulders to do critique on prudent etiquette. Until we will not speak, nobody will even realize this thing well. Today, business people and politicians have started to use international social networks for the sake of staying in their network all the time. It is good thing as per my view like you may get new contacts, and learning facilitation as well.
World financial crisis took developing countries to country crisis. Financial crisis was dominant and furious axe to cut economies revenue to bring them down. World doesn’t need ordinary people to come in the offices for performing regular tasks as it needs of strategist with higher understanding power towards world events. Professionalism in dooming country will be deemed a weak idea to discuss about it. Corporate life is busier as to be chosen for whole life. You need to come with full preparation on each day in order to stay dominant over other. Human needs are booming up day by day but apparently there isn’t any step taken to restore production level or to increase production level of countries with the increasing consumption level. Human wastage material is getting higher rapidly as of enlarged usage of produced things.